Power Draw Consulting
CEO & Founder
Zbyněk je vizionář, stratég a vášnivý nadšenec golfu. Úspěšně vede svoje podnikatelské aktivity už víc jak 20 let na trzích střední Evropy. Jeho podnikatelský duch, zásadový charakter, smysl pro povinnost a orientace na výsledky, mu napomáhali po čas rozvoje obchodních iniciativ identifikovat a úspěšně zpracovat mnohé tržní příležitosti. Zbyněk má přirozený smysl pro hru. Zásady, disciplína, pracovitost a to vše podtrhnuté silnou dávkou nadšení a vášně. A přesně to je cítit i v jeho vedení. Na prvním místě jsou lidé, interní zaměstnanci, partneři, externí spolupracovníci a zákazníci.
Anna loves constantly develop her skills and grow professionally. She has experience and high knowledge of all business development processes, demonstrating strong analytical skills including strategic negotiation and cultivation of relationships with key stakeholders. Her network initiatives are not only PDC's clients but also a broader audience that follows her social profiles, online publications, or blog articles. She is a regular partner for CEOs and Executives coaching or leadership consultancy. Her enthusiasm for human resources has led her to help business to improve teamwork and build inspirational culture.
Recruitment consultant
High‐performing, strategic‐thinking professional with more than twenty years' experience in administrative, employment services, accounting and payroll. Highly skilled at relationshipbuilding with clients and across organizations and teams; exceptional writing, presenting, and interpersonal communication skills. Capable of assessing needs, tracking details, generating options, and implementing solutions in collaboration with clients and colleagues to ensure on‐time completion. Consistently receiving positive feedback from managers, co‐workers and clients. Proven ability to work with difficult situations and provide a high level of service to clients.
Absolvoval jsem výcvik akreditovaný Mezinárodní federací koučů ICF a získal certifikaci Brain Based Coach. Během koučování se mnou si osvojíte principy, které vám pomůžou osvobodit se od limitujících přesvědčení, a místo čekání na vhodné okolnosti si je sami vytvoříte. Nebudu vám radit, co máte dělat, ale povedu vás k vlastnímu uvědomění.Věřím, že vy sami víte nejlépe, co je pro vás dobré, co si potřebujete vyřešit a kam se chcete dál posunout.
Stefaan has over 20 years of experience recruiting professionals in the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
HR Consultant
Bachelor`s Degree & Master`s Degree in Civil Engineering (Bucharest, Romania) I have a background of more than 6 years as a Civil Site (Project) Engineer working for companies in the EU. The idea of moving to recruitment was in my mind after several contractors or senior management individuals asked me during these years if I know engineers who want to join their companies. So I decided to move into recruitment and I am currently recruiting for several Irish companies across Ireland and mainland Europe providing candidates such as HSE, Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineers, Site Managers, Construction Managers, BIM Engineers etc.